The Charity
The charity was sparked by a Memorial Football Tournament which was held in in honour of Stephen Hughes who passed away in October 2014, just nine days short of his 24th birthday after a 6 month illness from heart failure caused by Giant Cell Myocarditis. The event was so well supported that it was decided to make an application for charitable status, which was achieved the following year.
The Charity has two key fundraising purposes, the first of which is to support vital research into developing a diagnosis and effective treatment for Myocarditis, which is estimated to be responsible for between 5 - 20% of sudden deaths in healthy young adults.
The other purpose is to pass on Stephen’s passion for sport to children. The Stephen Hughes Sports Development Grants have enabled over 2,500 children in community groups and primary schools to engage in a sporting opportunity, often not previously available.
The Memorial Football Tournament is now an annual event, as also are a Race Night, Quiz evening, Christmas Fayre and Perfect Combination which celebrates local musical talent, another love for Stephen. These and other events have helped to raise over £50,000 to date.